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Happily Ever Addendum Page 12

  "That." I pointed to the large boxes on the floor.

  He shrugged. "Nothing".

  "Uh huh...." I raised an eyebrow.

  "There for the twins." He mumbled.

  I got up and walked around looking at the boxes.

  "Aidan, they’re only four months old!" I exclaimed and fought the hysterical laughter that was bubbling up.

  "But look how cool they are!" He sounded like a little kid in a toy store. I was waiting for him to stomp his foot.

  "What are four month olds going to do with motorized cars?" I couldn't help it any longer, I burst into laughter.

  "They’ll grow into them." He pouted and sat on the floor, opening the boxes.

  "You're going to put these together yourself?" I had to fight back more laughter.

  "Why is that so funny?"

  "Do you want me to call Celia?" I giggled.

  He hopped to his knees and grabbed my waist, pulling me down to the floor and lying on top of me.

  "Are you saying that I can't put these together?"

  I nodded and laughed. "Let me call Celia."

  "Oh, that's it!" He started to assault my sides with his fingers and I was in a hysterical fit of laughter.

  "Oh...god...stop....please, stop!" I screamed as he continued to tickle me. He finally let up and I gasped to catch my breath.

  "You are so beautiful." My eyes met his. His face was so serious, so lost.

  I ran my hand through his hair and then cupped his cheek. He grabbed my hand, keeping it on his cheek, and closed his eyes.


  "Shhh..." I didn't say a word.

  We stayed that way for a few more minutes before he leaned in and kissed me. Then he sat me up and placed me between his legs as we worked on the motorized 'Power Wheel' vehicles. They were both Corvettes, one red and one purple. We both laughed as we attempted to build these things.

  New Years was approaching quickly and as Viola and I prepared for the New Year's charity ball, Abby went into labor. Maggie got her to the hospital where Viola and I arrived soon after.

  Sixteen hours later, Abby had given birth to a little boy that she named Ryan. He was adorably chunky and bald. After spending two days in the hospital, Abby and Ryan headed home. Viola was so worried about Abby that I made her stay home while I finished the plans for the charity event.

  It was at this point that Loreley became much more prominent in my life. While at lunch one day, I had gotten a phone call that one of our auction items was now being pulled out. It being one of the larger pieces, I had to explain to Loreley why I needed to leave lunch. She had calmed me down and made a few phone calls. Before I knew it, we had an even better item for the auction. I couldn't believe she had done that for me, and so quickly.

  When New Year's Eve arrived, everything was going flawlessly with the ball. Viola was proud of me, which meant the world to me. Aidan was also impressed, along with some others. However, when Loreley appeared next to me at the party, quite a few irritated faces appeared around my table.

  "Perhaps, I should go. I'll speak with you later." She smiled and stood.

  "No. Loreley, please sit." I motioned for her to sit back down. "You are welcome to join me at this table."

  "Lilli." Aidan hissed.

  "You know what? Perhaps you should recognize that this item right here." I slammed my finger down on to the particular auction item that most people were talking about, "was obtained because of Loreley. Without any request for a favor in return."

  "I'm sure she will want something of you eventually." He mumbled.

  "I think that I—"

  "Loreley, if anyone is leaving this table, it’s going to be Aidan." I turned, glaring at his shocked face.

  "How can you cast her aside? She is not her father, Aidan, regardless of things that she may or may not have done in the past. Loreley has been nothing but kind to me and, until I learn otherwise, she is welcome around me." I grasped Loreley's hand and heard a gasp. I turned to see Loreley had tears in her eyes.

  "I'm sorry." She hid her face with her hair as she patted her eyes with a napkin.

  I patted her hand.

  "Don't be sorry, Loreley. You may have done things but, to me, you aren't that person and you don't have to be. You can be you; the you that I know and love. You are not your father, regardless of what people have made you think and believe about yourself."

  "Thank you." She choked out.

  "I'm sorry." Aidan leaned forward and pressed his lips against my cheek, kissing it. "You’re right, she has been nothing but kind to you. Though it is not normal, she does seem different with you." Then he leaned forward so he could see Loreley. "I'm sorry to have made you uncomfortable."

  "Thank you." She choked again and it was almost a whisper.

  The rest of that night Loreley was unusually quiet. I had tried to talk with her a couple times but she gave short quick answers and remained silent.

  Another month passed, and Aidan and I were celebrating our first anniversary. He had called me from work on Friday afternoon telling me to be prepared for cold nights. That was all he would tell me.

  On Saturday afternoon we kissed the twins goodbye and headed out in his car. He drove for a few hours, not telling me anything about where we were going. Soon, the scenery changed. We entered a frozen wooded area until finally reaching a quaint, little wooden cottage. Apparently, the cottage was bought for Isobel as a gift from Aidan senior.

  "'s yours." Aidan whispered as he held my chest to his, his arms around my waist.

  I spun around in his arms. "What?"

  "You heard me. It's yours." He smiled widely and kissed my shocked mouth.

  "Aidan, I can't accept—" His lips crushed against mine. When he lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  We just entered the cottage and already I could feel the heat start to soak into my body. He kicked the door shut and continued to walk until he lay us down in front of a lit fire place. Slowly, he took off my scarf, coat and gloves before moving on to the rest. A few seconds later, which may be some kind of record, I was completely naked, lying beneath him.

  I rolled him over and slowly took of his clothing, piece by piece, teasing him. Once he was naked, he shifted to roll me over. I grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the floor. Obviously, he could break my grip if he wanted to, but he didn't fight me.

  Still holding his wrists to the floor, I sheathed his hard length into me. He was so hard and I was so wet that slipping onto him was effortless. I sat still for a moment, savoring the feel of him inside of me. Slowly, I began to rock my hips, creating the friction we were both breathing heavily for. As the tension inside me built into an exquisite tensed knot, I placed my feet flat on the floor and bounced up and down on him.

  "Shit." He moaned. "I'm gonna....cum with me…please!" He panted. Finally he grunted, "Cum around me, Lilli."

  The exquisite knot snapped and I had to release his wrists to brace myself on his chest as the ecstasy flooded throughout my body. I rocked slowly as I rode out the final waves of passion before I collapsed onto the floor next to him.

  "You are so amazing." He growled as he pulled me close to his side and kissed the side of my head. I fell into a light slumber next to him.

  When I woke up, I was wrapped in a cashmere blanket and there were pillows all around me. I stretched and sat up.

  "Don't get up." I heard from the side of the room. I turned to see Aidan walking toward me with two bowls.

  "What's that?"

  "Dinner." He smiled mischievously.

  "Let me help." I started to stand up.

  "No, I told you not to get up. I prefer you staying naked and in front of the fireplace for the duration of our stay." He smirked as he sat next to me, leaning back on the couch.

  "Oh, you do, do you?" I laughed.

  "Mmhmm...damn straight. Actually, I think that there should be a rule that you are not allowed to wear clothes the whole weekend." He smiled, proud of his idea.<
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  "Yeah...I don't think so." I laughed and he pouted.

  "So, what..?" I started laughing as I looked into the bowl.

  He smiled.

  "Lucky Charms."

  I laughed.

  "Do you remember?"

  I took a large bite and moaned, looking at him questioningly.

  "One of the first times I was around you, you offered me Lucky Charms."

  "Ah, yes...right before I called you an old man with Alzheimer’s, right?" I giggled.

  "Ha ha." He chuckled and ate his cereal next to me.

  "I should've known then that I would fall in love with you." It was almost like he had accidentally said it out loud.

  "W-why is that?" I took a bite without looking at him.

  "Because the moment you winked at me I felt something. I just hadn't realized what it was." He sighed. "I don't think you realize just how taken I was with you, even if I hid it under an agreement."

  "Oh." I whispered. My eyes were still on my bowl that was now empty.

  I saw his hand appear and take my bowl from me. Too soon, he was pulling me to him.

  "Doesn't matter now, you’re stuck with me." He laughed and pulled me between his legs, massaging my shoulders as we relaxed in front of the fire.

  Our anniversary passed and it was back to our normal routines. I worked three days outside of the house and spent the rest of my time at home with the kids. Loreley had started helping me on occasion when I was at home.

  She surprised me one day, showing up unannounced and completely flushed. She looked as if she had been crying although she denied it. I kept pressing for her to talk with me. She simply brushed it off as nothing and that I was overreacting. I wasn't convinced and offered for her to stay at our house for the night.

  For some reason I felt as if she were hiding something, but I wasn't sure what exactly it was; however, I also felt that she was worried about something or almost in danger. Aidan didn't even give me a hard time about Loreley staying the night, which I was thankful for.

  Things were going so well, too well. I almost felt as if I were waiting for the pin to drop and shatter the cozy, little bubble of wonderful we had created. The twins were healthy and growing with each day. Aidan and I had worked out our schedules to spend as much time together and with the twins as we could. Our families had made more of an effort to see each other. I even had Donald come visit for a week around the twins first birthday, Millie as well. Everything was almost perfect. I should have known then that things were going too good, something was bound to happen.

  Six months after the twins turned one, Aidan had a business meeting in Chicago to discuss the possibility of a new merger. He was going to originally send Liam and Henry until he was informed that the CEO requested him personally. I assured him that everything would be fine. I wasn't aware how wrong I would be.

  He had been gone for two days when I got a message on my blackberry from Aidan telling me that he would be another day in Chicago. I tried to call him, but only got his voice mail. I started to get worried when after my third call he didn't respond. I called Liam to see if he could get Aidan for me, but found that Liam wasn't with Aidan. I quickly arranged a flight to Chicago and left as soon as I could. Something felt wrong.

  When I arrived in Chicago, I got held up at the airport. My arranged car wasn’t there and they had no record of the request. Once they fixed the mix-up, I finally arrived at the hotel and requested that I be shown to Aidan's room. At first, I got some resistance. Fortunately, after I threw some money and my last name around, I was shown the way.

  Once they let me in the room, I yelled into the dark room.

  "Aidan?" I shouted. "Aidan!?"

  "Lilli." I heard him groan. I headed toward the bedroom.

  "Aidan, where are..." I opened the door.

  "Lilli." He groaned again.

  I gasped and started to hyperventilate at the sight in front of me.

  He groaned again and grabbed his head firmly. He was naked and he wasn’t alone. Loreley was in bed with him, also very, very naked, with her arm and leg thrown over him.

  "Oh God!" I grabbed the wall to steady me and vomited onto the floor.

  "Lilli?" He groaned again and then sat up on his elbows. "What the...?" He rubbed his eyes with the base of his palm and looked again at Loreley and then back to me.

  I began dry heaving.

  "What the fuck is going on?" He yelled and threw Loreley from his body. She mumbled and groaned. I glanced around the room, noticing two empty bottles of champagne on the nightstand.

  The red fury began to boil within me.

  "Why don't you tell me?! What the fuck did you do?" I shouted.

  "Lilli, I swear that I didn't...there...I don't know....please believe me...this..." He stuttered and stumbled on his words as well as on his feet as he tried to approach me.

  As he got closer I could see the red fingernail marks on his chest.

  "Stay away from me!" I yelled and shook my head in disbelief.

  "Lilli, I didn't....I...fuck! I don't know what happened! I was having dinner with the Douriens and then I don't remember anything. I don't even know why or how Loreley is here. I swear that..."

  "Just shut up!" I screamed and put my hands over my ears. I didn't realize that anything could hurt so badly.

  "Lilli, please!" Aidan cried out, moving toward me.

  "Aidan..." Loreley groaned out and stirred in bed.

  Another dry heave rose in my throat, but I swallowed it away. I turned and ran. I couldn’t process what had just happened, I just knew that I needed to get as far away as possible. I kept running, feeling the ground pound beneath my feet. Next thing I knew, I was back at the airport.

  I ran up to the customer service desk and bought the first ticket available. It was the longest flight I had ever been on but I couldn't get back on his plane. I didn't want to see anything that reminded me of him. When I pulled up to the house, I quickly went inside and to my bedroom.

  "Lilli?" Kimberly came into my bedroom. I was sobbing. "Lilli, what happened? Aidan has been calling for you nonstop."

  "Don't say his name to me." I shouted at her and she flinched. Dropping into a sobbing mess on the floor, she engulfed me into her arms. "I can't...he...with her..." I completely broke down.

  "Oh my...” Kimberly held me tighter. “I'm so sorry, dear." She rocked me for a long time before I could pull myself together.

  "I need the twins to be ready to." I swallowed hard and wiped my eyes.

  "Lilli, don’t you think that you should..?"

  "I'm leaving, Kimberly. This is just too...too much." I fought back the remaining sobs. "Please prepare the twins and pack some things." She nodded and left the room.

  "Lilli?" I heard Viola's call from the stairs.

  I sighed heavily. I heard the door burst open.

  "Lilli, what in the hell is going on?" She rushed to me with panic in her face.

  "Ask your nephew. Oh, wait, he doesn't seem to know why he was lying in bed with Loreley, either." I spit out and quickly went to my closet.

  "He what? Lilli, that can't be right. She must have—"

  "She forced him to let her claw at his chest, leaving evidence of their 'time together'?" I spit out. "I don't think so. I saw the champagne bottles around the bed and their naked bodies wrapped around each other." I had to swallow the new heaves that threatened to spill out from me.

  "Lilli, please, Aidan called and said that I should come to you, but wouldn't explain anything. Let him explain..."

  "He already says that he doesn't know what happened." I rolled my eyes. "I'm leaving." I snapped.

  "Wait, don't go. Please. You can stay with Liam and me. Don't leave." She begged and had her hands on my shoulders. My head fell and I started to sob again.

  "I can't stay."

  I heard footsteps approaching. When I rushed out to the bedroom, I saw Liam, Henry, Anne, James and Elora all standing there.

  "Jesus Christ! Who else did the as
shole call?" I shouted and started tossing things into my luggage.

  "Where are you going?" Henry quickly stepped forward.

  "You can't leave." Anne argued.

  "Shut up." I screamed. "Get out!"

  They flinched back and Viola was at my side, holding me.

  "Please, what is..?"

  "Apparently Aidan was in bed with Loreley." Viola whispered out.

  "Oh my god, that prick!" Elora rushed to me and put her arms around me.

  "Well, she can't leave! The conditions..."

  "Shut the fuck up, Henry!" We all snapped our heads to Liam. "Just shut up. This isn't about your damn money. This is about Lilli and Aidan. If you are more interested in the money then get out now! Or I can throw your ass out!" He growled.

  Henry was taken back. He immediately shut up and stood quietly with Anne.

  "Are you okay? You can stay with us." Elora said in a hushed tone as she tried to soothe me.

  "I need to get away. I'm sorry, I just…I need to leave." I grabbed my suitcase and headed to the twins room. I grabbed my phone and. as I was placing a call, I saw all the missed calls and text messages. I ignored them all and made my travel arrangements. Kimberly had everything ready for me; bags and carriers.

  "Lilli, please..." Liam begged. Viola put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

  "Let us know that you got somewhere safely. I promise that no one will speak to Aidan unless you ask us to." She forced a smile.

  "Thank you." I said quickly and took the twins.

  Jay appeared with a solemn look as he grabbed the bags and luggage. When I got to the airport, Phoebe was waiting.

  "Oh, Lil!" She ran to me and hugged me. After taking one of the twins, we entered the airport to wait for our flight to Winter Harbor.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  She ran out of the room and I got to the door before I realized that I was completely naked.

  "Fuck!" I screamed and ran back to the bedroom, grabbing up all of my clothes from the floor.

  "W-what..?" Loreley rolled over with her hand on her head. " head." She groaned.

  "Shut the fuck up." I leaned over, grabbed her wrist, and yanked her up in front of me. "I don't know what you did or how you did it, but I will kill you, Loreley! I swear to God, if I see your face again, I will kill you! And, if I lose Lillian, you are as good as dead!" I threw her back and stood from the bed, slipping my arms through my shirt.